Friday, March 10, 2006

oriental orgasm

Yeah, we went to Applebee’s. Can I get a what what?

Fish Taco isn’t kidding about the menu. Between the Riblets and Sirloin combination platter, the Fajitas con Sizzle and a whole host of gastrointestinal delights, it’s not easy for a girl to pick just one dish. Then again, it’s nearly impossible to complete just one dish. Life is cruel.

I ordered the Oriental Chicken Roll-Up, and let me tell you something: Applebee’s knows oriental chicken. I doused my roll-up in not one but two oriental sauces: a sesame-ish brown sauce and a questionable-looking white sauce, which Jason identified as Cream of Some Young Guy. That joke was shelved for a reason.

I washed my meal down with a pint of Stella. Perfection!

The only downside to this meal was the hot flashes that followed. Or maybe I was just hot and bothered from sitting under a heat lamp for the duration of lunch. Whatever: one million stars.

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